Dubai Millennium - Meydan Perfume Collection - Buy Arabic Meydan Perfume Online - Ramasat Dubai Millennium - Meydan Perfume Collection - Buy Arabic Meydan Perfume Online - Ramasat Dubai Millennium - Meydan Perfume Collection - Buy Arabic Meydan Perfume Online - Ramasat Dubai Millennium - Meydan Perfume Collection - Buy Arabic Meydan Perfume Online - Ramasat


Prix: 880 AED (TVA incluse)
Taille: 80 ML
880 AED

SKU: 6290360251523

Gender Free

Dubai Millennium is a scent inspired by the epic military account of a black horse. When you explore this fragrance, the top notes of saffron and raspberry gently elevate it and open the door to adventure, while the aroma of Indian oud flows warmly and deeply. This fragrance combines modern appeal with British culture. Damascus rose is at the heart of this aromatic creation, shining with its grandeur and gentleness, intermingled with violet blossom and scarlet berries, taking its position in an unprecedented trip of respect for the beauty of fruit desire. As you approach the base note, the leather's strength shows through, carrying the character of the black horse with it. The leather, with all of its royal power, mixes the traits of the solid black horse with its refined components, followed by amber and sandalwood to give the smell a warm and rich personality. Patchouli and Chinese lychee fruit enhance this olfactory masterpiece, bringing a sense of distinctiveness and excitement to the mix. This fragrance has a distinct symphony that mixes the allure of flowers, the warmth of wood, and a hint of delicious fruits. Thus, the "Dubai Millennium" perfume strikes a wonderful balance between the elegance of the black horse and the allure of its luxury elements, transporting you on a fragrant trip brimming with strength and breath-taking beauty.

Des détails:
Poids: 833 G
Épaisseur: 8.5 Cm
Largeur: 14 Cm
Hauteur: 17 Cm

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